Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day and Finley's first birthday!

First off, let me say Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful dads out there! I hate that my dad is no longer on Earth so that we can celebrate him in person, but in our hearts, we are always thinking of him and celebrating what a precious father he was to us. We will always miss him terribly...I'm so thankful that my girls have John as their dad. John is such a great father! He will do (and does) anything and everything for Addi and Finley. I love that despite all of his responsibilities, he spends lots of quality time with the girls and me. Happy Father's Day, John! We love you so much and are thankful for you!

Yesterday, we celebrated Finley's first birthday! I can hardly believe my baby girl is 1. Where did the time go? Getting pregnant with Finley was not easy. I thank God that He gave us our sweet Fin! She is an absolute joy! Here are some things about Finley...she loves to be held and cuddled (and people love to hold her at her school, church, etc.). If you are sitting criss-crossed on the floor, she will snuggle between your legs. She is "over" baby food and wants to feed herself. She still takes 3-4 bottles a day. We are in no hurry to wean her off of bottles yet. She pitches some good fits if you take something from her that she wants. She is finally sleeping through the night! YEA! She doesn't like to take naps and typically has to be wrapped and bounced as if she is riding on a boat to get her to sleep. She adores Addi and will giggle hysterically at her. She says "Dada" all the time but rarely says "Mama." She has crazy, curly hair that I just love (and she will probably hate as she gets older). We love our little monkey to death! Speaking of monkeys, the theme for her party was sock monkeys. Here are some pictures...
Mary and David's gift to Finley was renting the pool/clubhouse in their neighborhood so we could have the party there.

Sweet cousin Emily was there.

Aunt Glenda came, too! We missed Mark, Stephanie, Morgan, Will, and Dylan who had a day full of pre-planned activities.
Gigi got there early to help us decorate. She brought lots of balloons and made a few dips to go with chips. Thanks, Mom!!!!!

Weston loves baby Finley!
Georgana, Jordan, and Harry came. We missed Sarah (who was working) and Mark (who was sick). Grandma (Mary) got there early to help and took the chicken nuggets to her house to cook them for us. Thanks, Mary!
Randy and the boys came.
Uncle Rick, Brian, Riley, and Reese came! We missed Lauren, Aunt Royce, and Anna.
Finley in the precious "F" swimsuit that Elizabeth gave her (that her Finley wore when she was a baby).
Julie, Tucker, Eme, and Ellis came to the party, too.

Dartmouth, Jett, Laura, and David came, too, but you can't see them in this picture.

Finley really enjoyed eating her cake!
I love this!
It was hard to get everything we planned done in the short amount of time, and we wanted the kids to have plenty of time to swim so we ended up taking the gifts home to open.
Elizabeth also gave us this precious hat and panties!
Look at that birthday girl standing up by herself!
Finley and Addi had a great time opening presents!
Thanks Lauren, Brian, Riley, and Reese for the gumball machine!
Thank you Aunt Julie for the book with Finley's picture throughout. She LOVES it!
Thanks Gigi for the fun birthday cake toy and for buying Finley's big girl carseat for her!
love the panties!!!!!!
Addi enjoyed pretending to be the birthday girl! She played with Finley's toys as much as Finley did.
Look at all of her gifts! Thank you everyone for everything! Finley had a great first birthday!
Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to celebrate our sweet Finley! We love you all!
Oh, one more thing...FINLEY TOOK HER FIRST STEPS TODAY ON FATHER'S DAY! She walked 5 steps to John. We all cheered and grabbed John's phone to video her. Of course, she wouldn't do it on camera. Oh well. So excited!

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