Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Addison's new room

A few months ago, we changed our guest room to Addison's room. She's done very well in her new room and loves her twin bed. In the mornings when she wakes up, she simply knocks on her door (we keep it shut with a child lock on her side), and we open it and say good morning! (Actually, John opens it! I'm always still snoozing.) Yesterday, my wonderful husband built and painted some shelves/benches for storage and seating. We put them in her room tonight, and she had a ball! She climbed on them and sang songs and hid in the open parts. I'm thrilled that we can actually "contain" her toys as opposed to having bins all over the den. We aren't finished decorating her room, and we plan on making soft cushion covers for the benches, but the basics are there. Now, the new baby will have a nursery of his/her own, and Addi can have her own space, too!

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