Sunday, December 6, 2009

A relaxing weekend!

It's been a long time coming, but we actually had a nice, relaxing weekend! On Friday, we picked up our Christmas cards from Sam's and a gingerbread house, as well. Addison had a ball decorating cookies and the gingerbread house. We let her stay up a little late, but it was worth it! On Saturday, we played and finished putting ornaments on the tree. On Sunday, Addison had her first performance at her school/church. She was a sheep. It was so cute that it brought tears to my eyes! Being a parent is just the best thing in the world! After that, we headed to the mall for lunch and Santa pictures. Tonight, we let Addison watch her first, full movie- The Polar Express. We all curled up on the couch and just relaxed. It was heavenly!

decorating cookies for the gingerbread house
Addi's first gingerbread house
taking a long, winter's nap in the paper we use to wrap ornaments
Addi's teacher, Ms. Christi, and her friends William and Taylor
Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus
sweet angels!
two of Addi's favorite buddies, William and Thomas
our precious little sheep!

feeding Pooh Bear while waiting for a picture with Santa
taking a "cousins" picture with Santa

watching The Polar Express

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