Thursday, January 14, 2010

TGIF (almost!)

Addison woke up this morning at 5:00 just as my alarm was going off. She wasn't very happy to have woken up. I put her in our bed and said, "Addison, did you know today is Mommy's birthday?" She said, "Oh, happy dutday, Mommy." Then she said, "I gotta luh boo (love you)." She gave me a big hug and lots of kisses. Too sweet. Then, when I got out of the shower, I noticed that she had torn toilet paper up in little pieces and put it around the bathroom. She immediately said, "It's for the pohtty." I'm thinking "potty?" Then I realized that she was saying "party." She was making decorations for my birthday. What a sweet little girl! It was a wonderful day! John sent me beautiful flowers from Dorothy McDaniels since he is out of town (he'll be back tomorrow- YEA!). Mom, Addi, and I went to dinner at Bone Fish, which was delicious (though I ate way too much!). Oh, by the way, I am now able to feel the baby move, which is wonderful! I drank a coke today and about 30 minutes later, the baby started dancing around! We find out the sex of the baby on Monday, and I can't wait!

Thanks, Eme and Aunt Julie for letting Addi borrow this adorable outfit!
not quite awake yet- putting on her chapstick

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