Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Past the due date...

Well, my due date came and is almost gone! I went to the doctor today and found out that I am barely 2 cm dilated and not as effaced as we thought. I was up all night last night (and have been the last few nights) and was/am very emotional. I still have hope that Finley may come on her own but we are scheduled for an induction on Friday. Here are some fun things that we've done lately with the soon-to-be big sis.
Addi helped John clean out mouse cages
our little messy artist
Addi had so much fun painting with her fingers and feet.

I love this picture! My sweet girl actually took a nap in her bed!
John and I took Addi to Tannehill. She had a blast on the playground! John wasn't able to stay but about 45 minutes but Addi and I stayed a few hours (until I began cramping and got a little worried!). We rode the train, walked around, and ate lunch together.

belly shot- 39 1/2 weeks

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