Thursday, April 21, 2011

Crazy busy!

Life's been a little hectic lately with work and sicknesses. I hope and pray that we will all stay well for a while. With stomach viruses, fever viruses, multiple ear infections, multiple antibiotics, and horrible ear drops...I'd about had it! Here are some updates on the girls...

Finley has finally started sleeping through the night. (It's about time after 10 month, sweet girl!) She now sleeps from 7:30 or 8:00 until about 6:00. She also decided that she was done with nursing. I'm trying to dry up now but am still having to pump some. She is into everything! She's discovered that if she puts her pointer finger between the crevices in our appliances that she can pull out a wad of dust to eat. YUCK! Guess I need to clean a little better. I keep trying to get her to say, "Mama." No luck there. She says, "Dada" and "duh duh" (for dog). She is the sweetest little cuddle bug! Her teachers at school say it's hard to put her down because she loves to cuddle with them and climb in their laps. Fin has 2 bottom teeth and the beginning of 2 "fangs." Her top teeth are trying to come in. I hope they win the race- we don't need a little dracula- ha!

cyring b/c Addi took her toothbrush
got the toothbrush back- she can turn it off when she wants to!
Addison seems to be growing out of the terrible 2's and 3's. She doesn't have near as many fits as she used to. She says the funniest things! I always think, "Ok, you've got to write that down," and then I forget. She is such a good helper! She dresses herself completely every morning. She cleans up her room. She helps me clean the house (and loves it!). She helps take care of Finley and entertains her. No one can make Finley laugh like Addi! Addi loves to tell stories and have stories told to her. She enjoys pretending and playing school with me. She is taking soccer and gymnastics. We are so proud of the young lady she is becoming!

And where would we be without John...he is an amazing husband and father- balancing family, working on his PhD, full time work, and his on-the-side-snake business. I don't know how he does it all so well. The girls and I love him to pieces!

I am very blessed!

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