Thursday, September 24, 2009

McWane Center, breakfast in bed, and Swine Flu

1. McWane Center: I decided to take Addison to the McWane Center on Saturday since it was too wet to play outside. She actually took her first, long walk (about a year ago) there. I was doing some inner-grumbling about how much it costs to give a 2 year old some new experiences but decided it was worth it! The man behind us and I began talking, and after a few minutes, he asked it I had a yearly pass to which I replied, "No." He said that his wife wasn't able to come and that he also has a guest pass. He told me he'd be glad to get Addison and me in for free. I was floored! He even gave us a parking token so that we could park for free (a total savings of $24). God blesses me in so many ways with situations like this. Thank you, God, and thank you kind man, for a day full of fun and excitement for us.

After a fun day at the McWane Center, we had Grandma, PawPaw, Aunt Laura, Jett, and Dartmouth over. Addison just loves when people come to visit us at our house (which rarely happens because we live so far out!). She was so excited to eat pizza and play with her cousins. The kids (and Anders) did some "acrobatics" and made their own band. We really enjoyed our time together!

2. Breakfast in Bed: John and I took Monday off. I begged him for some extra sleep, so he unselfishly got up with Addison and let me rest. At about 9:00, he and Addi came into the room with pancakes. Addi proceeded to tell me how she helped Daddy make pancakes. She said, "Cack egg." She also told me about stirring the mix and buttering the pancakes. It was too cute! We all sat in the bed and ate our pancakes together. Thanks, guys! I am so thankful for my family.

3. Swine Flu: I haven't had the flu in almost 10 years, so I guess it's my turn to have it again. I knew I was't feeling well Tuesday night when John, Addison, and I went to Spirit Night for our school at Chick-Fil-A. I felt a little dizzy and my neck was hurting. Once we got home and the evening went on, I began to feel chilled and achy. I woke up feeling the same way and was
hardly able to move and get ready, but since I didn't have fever, I decided to head on to school. I made it to recess, feeling pretty rough and decided to have my temperature taken. It was 101.5 so I left school and headed for the doctor. The flu test came back negative but the doctor said it was because I caught it so early. He said if I came back the next day, he could guarantee that it would be positive, especially with the "suddenness" and extent of my symptoms. I can't go back to work until Monday. If I keep Tylenol in my system every 4 hours, my fever stays around 100. If I go longer than 4 hours, the fever shoots up. So, since the Tylenol's working right now, I decided I'd use this time to blog. Please pray that John and Addison don't get this.

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